Saturday, August 31, 2019

Do Large Business Have an Affect on Small Business Essay

Considering the normative statement that both large and small businesses should follow the same ethical and moral standards, this paper analyzes the perceptions of individuals based on the relative ethical behavior of small business as compared to large business. The study of ethics focuses on the differences between what is right and what is wrong in society which affects both small business and large business due to their obligation to the public and their stakeholders. Both entities are guided by the same standards and both are expected to meet all legal regulations and ethical standards. The analysis employs surveys to gauge the public’s perceptions of the ethical decision making by management in both small business and large business. The survey also analyzes the role of those ethical decisions within scenarios and their impact on the individuals’ patron behavior in small business as compared to large business. Statistical analysis has been utilized to test the authors’ overall hypothesis that the public is generally less concerned about ethical decision making of small business relative to large business. The implications of these findings for both large and small businesses are provided with the analysis and suggestions to correct the disparity between both entities. Introduction During the past decades it has been evident that ethics has become the hot topic in business. However, much of the talk is not comprised of all types of business it involves primarily the large corporations. Large corporations such as Enron have caused much grief to those around them and everyone that they employed. Due to this reason regulations such as the Sarbanes- Oxley Act have been enforced to hold large businesses accountable. While these regulations have focused solely on large corporations, efforts to regulate small businesses have been small. It is estimated that small businesses make up over 80% of all business in the United States of America. That is a huge sector which is unregulated due to its size. While the adverse actions of each entity do not do great harm to the economy; the cumulative damage of all components of the group could have devastating impacts on the general economy. Literature Review Businesses today are completely different than the businesses of years past. Today, business ethics has become an area of great concern in both corporate culture and academia. Companies such as WorldCom and Enron have caused people to reevaluate philosophy and business. Ethics can be defined by the morals that people and companies hold. Although internal and external forces influence businesses, there are three issues that affect issues in business. These three issues are systematic, corporate, and individual. To truly understand each factor one has to understand how each of these issues differs and how they influence the business itself. Systematic issues analyze ethical values in economic, political, legal, and other social systems in which the business operates (Velasquez, 2006). An example of this would be a question of morality about the current laws pertaining to accounting systems. Laws influence the actions of people because they stem through consequences with the local or federal government. People tend to be scared of a higher authority more than self punishment. 2010 Small Business Institute ® National Conference Proceedings Vol. 34, No.1 – Winter 2010 293 The second factor is corporate issues which are issues of morality of internal activities such as policies, practices, and organizational structure (Velasquez, 2006). Corporate issues are based on corporate cultures. If a company treasures capital gains more than human capital the company would then lay off employees to save money. On the other hand, a company that treasures its employees is more likely to take a cut and keep their employees. To say that one company is more ethical because of their decision lays in a company’s moral standards. The idea of moral standards stems from the third type of issue which is the individual issues. Individual issues are issues that are based on individuals within a company along with their behaviors and decisions (Velasquez, 2006). This includes the moral standards of individuals. Moral standards are standards that are set by the individuals themselves and by no other governing body. Hence, each individual has a right to stand for what they believe in. It may be simple to take these three factors and state that this is common sense information; however, it is just as complicated to say that there can be one rule that can apply to every situation that is similar. In cases where individual morals differ from those of corporate or systematic, it is easy to assume that one would no longer pay attention to their place of business or the entity that is different. However, humans are prone to being victims of society and need to supply for their family. Knowing that something unethical is occurring at a place of business does not mean that the person will just walk away whether they have worked in small or large firms. Decisions of a business affect all tiers of the organizational structure which in turn affect the lives of all stakeholders of the company. Therefore, ethical standards have risen due to the current corruption in many large businesses. News reports of Nike and Merck have grabbed the attention for case studies and have become the top selling stories. The news ran the stories that exposed the fragile nature of the corporate worked to their affect on the country’s economy. Due to the global impact of large corporations the public’s eye is primarily on large businesses; however, ethical issues arise in small businesses as well. Lisa Miller states that small businesses â€Å"were overlooked when Wall Street’s mega-scams and scandal came to light (Miller, 2003). For people that analyze and teach ethics â€Å"business ethics have almost invariably concerned the doing, indeed generally the misdoings, of large companies (Quinn, 1997).† Quinn noted that in the late 20th century there has been an increase in the economic activity of small businesses (Quinn, 1997). He states that not only do the managers have to be observed so do the employees. The employees have want approval of their peers which is also accepted by the manager/owner (Quinn, 1997). In large businesses it seems easier to separate you personal ethics from businesses ethics. In small businesses the relationship with one’s coworkers becomes a sub-family relationship making it that much harder to make â€Å"ethical† decision. The overall factors that influence business ethics derive from personal ethics and how those ethics affect others. Miller points out that it is an assumption that small businesses do not need a code of ethics however, they have a bigger temptation to b involved in â€Å"dubious business practices (Miller, 2003). 2010 Small Business Institute ® National Conference Proceedings Vol. 34, No.1 – Winter 2010 294 In Mark Schwartz essay A Code of Ethics for Corporate Code of Ethics, Schwartz finds that over ninety percent of large corporations have a code of ethics (Schwartz, 2002). He concluded that there a six universal moral standards in four different sources. The moral standards that he looked at included trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship (Schwartz, 2002). Due to these criteria Schwartz states that a code of ethics should be constructed on factors that could be audited. His study provides a normative foundation for evaluating a corporation’s code of ethics. In a 1981 an article by Brown and King analyzed the influences and perceptions of small business ethics. In their foundational work Brown and King realized the disparity in public awareness between small business ethics and large business ethics. Brown and King surveyed a small group of individuals consisting of â€Å"small business† respondents and â€Å"other† respondents who were mostly employed by large corporations. Brown and King’s research sought to answer three questions. First, the research asked â€Å"How high are the ethics of small business people perceived to be?† Second, â€Å"Compared to others, what causes the behavior of people in small business to be more or less ethical?† Finally, â€Å"What are the prevailing small business attitudes concerning ethical issues?† (Brown and King, 1981). Brown and King found that there was a surprisingly small difference in the responses between the two subgroups of respondents. The research conducted by Brown and King examined the perspectives of those in the various sized business. The research left a gap in the general public’s perceptions of the ethical actions between large and small business. The Center for Business Ethics surveyed Fortune 1000 industrial and service companies to see how they have instilled their ethical values to compare their results from the study they performed in the mid 1980s. Their survey showed some progress but, not enough (Center for Business Ethics, 1992). Ethical standards fall in line with legal regulations. Sandra Malach, et al. believe that incorporating legal planning into business planning to avoid legal issues and to protect the businesses most important assets (Malach, Sandra et al, 2006). While legal action is important it is important to focus on consequences in a workplace outside o f the any punishments. To further analyze ethical dilemmas it is important to observe the consequences at a workplace. One consequence that business can apply is a zero tolerance policy in a workplace. This ethical dilemma is especially interesting when applied in a small business setting, and contrasted with techniques applied in large corporations. The ethical compass of the theory for the zero tolerance policy is Kant’s Categorical Imperative. Kant’s Categorical Imperative is defined by the rule that people should â€Å"Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means to an end (Stanford, n.d.).† Kant’s Categorical Imperative is a very restrictive rule to live by and cannot practically be applied to everyday life. However, when discussing ethical dilemmas in the workplace, the Categorical Imperative should not be overlooked. The Zero Tolerance Policy embodies the Categorical Imperative in the sense that everyone must ask himself/herself whether they would be willing to have the same behavior applied to them if the roles were reversed. In the business setting the Categorical Imperative has a special value; it helps mitigate moral hazard. 2010 Small Business Institute ® National Conference Proceedings Vol. 34, No.1 – Winter 2010 295 Moral hazard was once described as â€Å"a situation in which a party is insulated from the consequences of its actions†¦Thus protected, it has no incentive to behave differently (Ahrens,2008).† In the business setting, moral hazard can be devastating to the culture of the company and can eat away at the profit margin. Consider an employee who is discovered to be â€Å"moonlighting† or working an untaxed second job during hours in which the employee should be giving full attention to their actual job. This behavior may seem harmless and may only warrant a verbal warning, but when the other employees discover how easy it is to get by with unethical behavior they are incentivized to act unethically. This slippery slope scenario results only in the necessary termination of the unethical employee. When an employer establishes that unethical behavior will not be tolerated the result is the strengthening of the corporate culture and the avoidance moral hazard. However, this scenario might work differently in a small business. In a small business the cost of a zero tolerance policy can be devastating. The costs associated with replacing an employee in a large corporation is easily spread across the entire entity as a fixed cost of doing business; this is not the case in the small business. The employer-employee relationship in the small business, by nature, is more flexible and more personal. This flexibility can allow for a more informal agreement, between management and employees, to be made. Finding a â€Å"win-win† solution allows for Kant’s Categorical Imperative to be upheld and moral hazard can be avoided. In a large publically traded company this kind of arrangement cannot be made because not all of those who are residual claimants (owners) can be spoken for. In the large publically owned company the zero tolerance policy should be followed, but in a small privately owned company a modified zero tolerance policy can be applied. Kant’s Categorical Imperative can be a useful tool when designing corporate policy in publically traded companies. The zero tolerance policy should be applied in publically traded companies. In addition, Kant’s Categorical Imperative should still be applied to design a modified zero tolerance policy in small private companies. To solve the issue of what the zero tolerance policy entails, the company needs to implement a code of ethics in their organization. Eberhard Schnebel and Margo A. Bienert state that a code of ethics strengthens an organizations success therefore improving the overall value of the company (Schnebel & Bienrt, 2004). The value that is added is the public’s perception that the business is there to benefit the community. L. Spence studied a similar phenomenon as this essay explores. In a 1999 study L. Spence found that there is a lack of information on any correlation between small businesses and their ethical standards. The reason for this is because small firms receive little attention by the media which makes them a quick oversight (Spence, 1999). Four years later L. Spence wrote an editorial with R. Rutherfoord to explore the sociological perspective in the field of ethics (Spence & Rutherfoord, 2003). Due to these two studies we have been motivated to explore the issue further and gain insight on why there is a lack of information on the issue. 2010 Small Business Institute ® National Conference Proceedings Vol. 34, No.1 – Winter 2010 296 Hypotheses As discussed earlier, the objective of this pilot study was to examine the differences in respondents’ perceptions of ethical dilemmas and ethical standards in small business as compared to large business. In order to facilitate the primary research objective the following working hypotheses were formed: H1: The size of the business will have no impact on consumers’ shopping decisions when ethical dilemmas are present. H2: The size of the business will have no impact on the actions of employees when ethical dilemmas are present. H3: The size of the business will have no impact on the respondents’ perception of the incentives associated with acting ethically. H4: In general, respondents believe that small businesses should be held to the same ethical standards as large corporations. These hypotheses are based on the supposition that individuals will be more lenient or forgiving of the shortcomings of small businesses relative to their large counterparts. Methodology The study was initiated with the creation of a preliminary (alpha) survey. The alpha survey resulted in fourteen respondents and was conducted by means of convenience sampling. The alpha survey was a paper based survey consisting of thirteen questions. The survey included demographic questions as well as analysis questions. There were mixed results on the alpha survey mostly due to the confusing survey design associated with strict time constraints. While the alpha survey did not provide sufficient data, it was useful as a tool in the creation of a secondary (beta) survey. The beta survey instrument consisted of two separate surveys. One survey was specific to small business while the other was specific to large business. The surveys were created and distributed electronically using Survey Monkey. The goal for the beta survey was a total of 100 respondents for each survey resulting in an overall total of 200 respondents. The small business survey yielded 105 useable returns, a 94.6 percent return rate. The large business survey yielded 107 useable returns, an 84.3 percent return rate. Each survey included five common demographic questions, two common questions pertaining to ethics, and eight questions relating specifically to either small business or large business. The survey was distributed broadly across various social networking sites and throughout the Christopher Newport University community. Due to time and budgetary constraints the beta survey consisted mostly of opportunity sampling and snowball sampling. The authors recognize the drawback of an opportunity sample; however, the research question in this pilot study can be adequately answered using this technique. The analysis questions on both the small business and large business surveys consisted entirely of binomial data. The respondents were limited to either â€Å"Yes or No† or â€Å"I agree or I disagree.† For the purpose of testing the hypotheses (H1, H2, and H3) statistical analysis will be used to measure the difference between the proportions of the two samples. For the final hypothesis (H4) the analysis will simply state the overall proportion of respondents in both surveys who answered favorably and interpret the results. Hypotheses H1, H2, and H3 will be tested at ÃŽ ±=.10, ÃŽ ±=.05, and ÃŽ ±=.01 levels of significance.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Business Ethics Reflection

When one is faced with ethical dilemmas he or she needs to look at the situation as a whole and determine what the outcome of the situation would be and to whom it may effect. As I remember facing a dilemma when asked to write this paper what came to mind was haven to decide how I was going to confront a fellow employee on knowing that she was stealing money and that she was abusing our friendship by coming into work late on a regular basis. She was a single mom of one and was struggling to make ends meet but that gave her no right to steal from the company and do not make it right to take advantage of our friendship. My dilemma was that of having to report her. This person took advantage of our friendship while working together and to me that makes it harder at times to report a person to those of authority. I looked at her situation but that did not make me change my mind to report her. First, I made sure that it was her taking the money and I monitored the money for a week to determine about how much she was taking from the register so that I was able to have something to follow up on when I reported her. I then went to my supervisor and reported the incident and asked that we both sit down and talk to her and explain what we know and how we know of her stealing money from the register. After the sit down with this employee we let her know that there were consequences of her actions and that she was going to have to be let go from the company. We could have pressed charges against her but we chose not to since the amount of money was not a large amount. The moral issue in this dilemma is that of a person taking advantage of one’s friendship and that of losing a close friend. This person put our being friends on the line and looked at our friendship as it was okay to take the money and that nothing would happen to her since we were friends. The issue I had to face here was that of our friendship and how it would affect our families and then I had the obligation of being the office manager of reporting her since I was the one in charge of the office and responsible of what goes on in there. I as the office manager had to make my priorities to the company since her taking money could possible affect business. Yes, the money was not a large amount but after taking money for a number of days or weeks it could potentially affect profits. This person to me did not value our friendship by doing what she did because if she had she would have not put me in that situation in the first place. She did not value our friendship and she did not value her job and not to mention the position that she had put me in. Also she did not value the job that she had and put her family in harm by possibly being sent to jail for stealing. To me she did not think that she had to follow the rules of the company and that she even though she did get caught was sorry but was she sorry for getting caught or was she sorry she was losing her means of getting extra money? I am not as close to this person anymore because if she could do that then who’s to say she would not try to steal from me and my family? Social pressure does affect how people put themselves in certain situations when it comes to business. This person used her struggling to raise a child on her own to think that it was alright to steal money to make ends meet. Instead of going to the boss and asking for extra hours or even a raise to make more money she decided to take it in to her own hands and to steal money. With how expensive it is now-a-days to make ends meet people do things that they would not normally do such as stealing but that does not make them morally right. If I were to be faced with this type of situation again I think I would have done the same thing and reported it to the proper authorities. I would not want to put my job on the line to make sure a friendship stayed intact. I would have probably try to see warning signs and ask that person if there was anything I could do to help out or try to get that person more hours at work. I work from home so right now I am not put in situations such as that but thinking back I would most definitely take the same actions. I would also make sure not to work closely with good friends so that I am not put in such a situation. Keeping a working relationship but not one of a social relationship outside of work will help to keep me from having to be put in the type of dilemma.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Black holes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Black holes - Research Paper Example 1). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has explicitly disclosed that black holes happen when stars die and create a void or place in space where gravity allegedly is so strong that everything it comes into contact with is pulled in – even light (NASA, 2008). The current discourse hereby aims to present crucial information about black holes and the scientific theories behind them. The term black hole was reportedly coined by John Wheeler, noted to be a Princeton physicist, in 1967 (NASA, 2013). It was commendable for Hawking to aver that the theory behind black holes had originated way back 200 years ago through a paper allegedly written in 1783 by John Michelle from Cambridge who documented ‘black stars’ in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Hawking, n.d.). The description of the observation was analogous to how black holes are described in contemporary times, to wit: â€Å"a star that was sufficiently massive and compact, would have such a strong gravitational field that light could not escape. Any light emitted from the surface of the star, would be dragged back by the stars gravitational attraction, before it could get very far. Michell suggested that there might be a large number of stars like this† (Hawking, n.d., par. 3). Another scientist whose name emerged as one of the pioneers in the study of black holes was a French scientist who was identified by Hawkin as Marquis de La~plass (Hawking, n.d.). However, only when Einstein allegedly came out with his famous General Theory of Relativity was the possibility of black holes actually confirmed. As expressly indicated, according to Einstein’s theory, â€Å"when a massive star dies, it leaves behind a small, dense remnant core. If the cores mass is more than about three times the mass of the Sun, the equations showed, the force of gravity overwhelms all other forces and produces a black hole† (NASA, 2013,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Health and Safety Issues in the Oil and Gas Industry Essay - 1

Health and Safety Issues in the Oil and Gas Industry - Essay Example According to the research findings in order to analytically interpret how oil and gas companies give importance and provide proper care to the potential hazards of their operations, the second research question is formulated to discuss the policies oil and gas companies currently implement to promote health and safety. Consequently, the researcher will provide accounts of actual interviews with managers of oil and gas companies in Saudi Arabia to document the present health and safety policies they execute. The major goal of this study revolves around identifying the health and safety issues in the oil and gas industry and developing new insights about how such issues are managed. This will be clearly shown through descriptive research using numerous data-gathering procedures to arrive at precise outcomes. Also, the researcher will conduct comprehensive procedures to measure the effectiveness of the current issues implemented by oil and gas companies.  For these goals to be achieved appropriately, the researcher came up with a justifiable and flexible research plan. This involves various processes which will comprise the different chapters of the dissertation. After a specific subject is chosen and research questions are formulated, the researcher will conduct normative data-gathering procedures such as interviews and library research. A comprehensive body of literature will be provided which concerns different health and safety issues in the oil and gas industry.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Various Ways of Financing Educational Boot Camps Research Proposal

The Various Ways of Financing Educational Boot Camps - Research Proposal Example According to the report findings Czech Republic is a country located in the Central Europe and it is landlocked. This country has around 1.3million citizens and out of this there is the youth group, in which many of them do not have basic education but are gifted and talented in many skills. To help these youths/students, there are educational boot camps operating in the country and in the countries around. Boot camps are units that began as government’s initiative or by corporate as a form of social responsibility to provide training for students who are talented and gifted in various skills but cannot afford to go to institutions that provide high education. Czech Republic’s government has taken some measures for it to become a renowned country in relation to human development. Currently, it is among the top 30 countries that have implemented measures to achieve the goal of human development within its borders. According to the World Bank, Czech Republic is a develope d country from 2006. As the research stresses there are many sponsors around the world who try to give back to the society even through charity and providing funds to improve the face of their company or improve their brand image in the market. Therefore, it will be of great importance if such sponsors who can take on this responsibility for a longer period of time and provide support to these students can be approached.

Monday, August 26, 2019

History of Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History of Planning - Essay Example (National Planning Policy Framework), housing strategy and Localism Act were introduced leading to more compliance with environmental justice, availability of government incentives for home planners and builders (Bryson & Bryson, 2004). Civil War and the subsequent industrial revolution resulted to changes in U.S settlement and other social aspects. New technologies emerged and led to growth of industries, huge cities, and escalation in industrial workers. Disparagingly, cities grew with petite planning. Choices regarding construction and land use were in the hands of builders, developers, individual landowners who were out to make huge profits and consequently left little open space for expansion. Environmental degradation upsurged while developers simply focused on economic development at the expense of the existence of a sustainable environment. By the closing of the frontier a unique American society had been created. Americans became resourceful, established strength and craggy individualism that nurtured democracy. Instead of succumbing to urban problems in the collusive cities, the poor considered moving to the west which they perceived to be safe. People started living close to nature and sanitize it of civ ilization’s corruption (Bryson & Bryson, 2004). The primeval wilderness ominously improved. Due to increased land demand, Americans planned to explore cyberspace and outer space and John F. Kennedy was committed to resolve the planning issues facing Americans while leaders such as Chief Joseph, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and Geronimo strived to resist such changes. Cases over the best planning and utilization of land have always existed. For instance, in the case of Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co, Euclid formulated a zoning ordinance that divided the land into sections that were to be used for particular purposes (Bryson & Bryson, 2004). While Euclid had the right to control and use the property, it violated Ambler’s 14th Amendment provision

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cybersecurity threat posed by a terrorist group Essay

Cybersecurity threat posed by a terrorist group - Essay Example Though sparse cyber attacks only cause annoyance, the present situation is that Australia is facing considerable degree of such attacks that create fear in the minds of people, and evidently, the government is startled by the pace at which these miscreants get access to nation’s secrets breaking the barriers erected by the government and various companies. Considering the fact that nations like China and US have already taken stringent steps to prevent any cyber attacks on them, and also to utilize cyber attack as a positive warfare, it is highly necessary to adopt policies at the earliest to prevent such further attacks on Australia, especially when there is a rise in the attacks. The solution to the problem can be identified in the steps taken by America and Japan on the face of cyber terrorism. One step is to have a separate department of defense that is solely responsible for protecting categorized government departments, defense installations, and nuclear technology from cyber attacks. The second step is to have an agency that monitors the cyber activities of nationally important sectors and companies using sensors in the networks. This will help identify cyber attacks and take effective steps before the systems are attacked and information is stolen. Thirdly and most importantly, there should be a national program that works in collaboration with all the ISPs. It should be made mandatory for the ISPs to identify the already compromised computers and direct such customers to the agency for removal of the malware. This is very necessary as most of the time, the compromised computers are used by attackers to commit crimes. Identifying such remotely controlled computers is the first step in preventing cyber attacks. Background Nations throughout the world including US are struggling to save their cyber sphere from the cyber attacks. The factor that makes things worse in the cyber world is that the terrorists get a chance to operate from other nations o r geographic areas, thus making the arrest and punishment of terrorists a difficult task. According to Taipei Times (31 May 2011) records, Australia is one of the most targeted nations in the world. The companies, government departments, and persons that came under cyber attack in the recent past range from the Australian parliament, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Australian Defense Minister Stephen Smith, Japanese conglomerate Sony, Woodside petroleum of Australia, to mention but a few. Ironically, Chinese intelligence agencies are suspected by many nations and companies for such attacks. Anyway, according to McClelland, the Australian Attorney general, â€Å"it is better to deal with the threat, to address the vulnerability.† (Taipei Times, 31 May 2011). According to reports, there were 400 cyber attacks on the Australian government networks in the past year; a number too high to ignore. In addition, the Director General of the Australian Security Intelligence Org anization David Irvine (cited Staff Writers, Energy Daily, 30 May 2011), points out that Australia experiences constant cyber efforts to steal the nation’s secrets. In the opinion of Irvine, the cyber terrorists not only try to steal the nation’s secrets, but they also aim critical national industries and infrastructures. This claim is substantiated by the fact that Australian miners are vehemently targeted by terrorists. Thus, it becomes evident that it is high time to address the issue. In fact, Australian government has already taken a few steps in this regard, though not so effective. One such step is the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Blood Vessel Constitutive Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Blood Vessel Constitutive Models - Essay Example In fact, there are many parameters that need to be examined in order to formulate a valid assumption regarding the role of ‘mechanical function’ of blood vessel especially in the response of patients to specific treatment. Because of this fact, it is necessary that several models are developed which are going to be evaluated as of their applicability by the medical practitioner involved in each particular case. Current study examines especially the structure and the effectiveness of a series of blood vessel constitutive models as they have been included in the paper of Vito and Dixon published in the Annual Review of Biomedical and Engineering (2003). The specific study presents the most significant models that have been designed in order to represent the mechanical properties of blood vessel in terms that these properties – if known to the practitioners – are going to be useful towards the design and the implementation of the appropriate treatment in patie nts that suffer from health problems caused by the ‘dysfunction’ of veins and arteries. The particular topic has been chosen because of its significance for the design of the appropriate treatment plans in cases of health problems caused because of a ‘dysfunction’ of arteries and veins. On the other hand, there are a few models that have been designed and tested in relation with the mechanical properties of blood vessel. These models however need to be critically analyzed in order to be evaluated whether the above models can be used by medical practitioners on a daily basis in terms that a situation (health problem) needs an emergent arrangement. In other words, can the models presented in the paper of Vito and Dixon (2003) be applied in all cases of health problems or they have to be alternated in order to meet the requirements of each particular situation? Moreover, are these models applicable in practice or they are just

Mrs. Dalloway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mrs. Dalloway - Essay Example Love, literature and life are shown to be inextricably linked together in this novel written by a woman who was born in a literary family, whose house was a haven for the artistically inclined, and who married a man of letters. In Mrs Dalloway, Septimus Warren Smith, Clarissa Dalloway, Peter Walsh and Sally Seton are, despite all their tribulations, amply rewarded by their love of letters. Although Richard Dalloway is no reader, his patent love for his wife and his concern for her onetime suitor, emphasizes his humanity and redeems his soul. Characters like Sir William Bradshaw, Lady Bruton and Hugh Whitbread, for all their material prosperity are seen to lack spiritual grace because they, at best, do no more than try to manipulate language for their own ends. At the opening of the novel, Clarissa Dalloway takes upon herself the task of buying flowers for the party at her house because the servants would have plenty on their hands. It is a beautiful June morning-" fresh as if issued to children on a beach"(5) and Clarissa's thoughts flow back to the time when she was eighteen and perhaps in love with Peter Walsh who was in love with her: "Musing among the vegetables"--was that it--"I prefer... , she forgot which, for his letters were awfully dull; it was his sayings one remembered; his eyes, his pocket-knife, his smile, his grumpiness and, when millions of things had utterly vanished--how strange it was!--a few sayings like this about cabbages. (5-6) It had been assumed at the time that Peter would 'write'-that he would go on to be a writer-but he cheerfully reveals to Sally Seton at the end of the novel that he had written "Not a word!" (207). However, he had always been a good and judicious reader, and a good and judicious critic of life and letters and men and women, as well as an excellent conversationalist. It was his private grief that, because Clarissa had rejected him, he had fallen for all the wrong women and made a mess of his life, but even so, at the end of the novel, the very sight of Clarissa from afar "fills" him "with extraordinary excitement" (215). One character who seems to live more in the rarefied world of letters than in the real world of life is the relatively young Septimus Warren Smith whose noble mind has been broken by the death of a beloved friend at his side in the war. The world fills him with apprehension, and empathetically we feel, rightly so: Septimus Warren Smith, aged about thirty, pale-faced, beak-nosed, wearing brown shoes and a shabby overcoat, with hazel eyes which had that look of apprehension in them which makes complete strangers apprehensive too. The world has raised its whip; where will it descend (17) Septimus lives in a world of his own populated by his own anxieties and fears and by the voices and sounds that speak to him and to him only, and which he feels compelled to record: Men must not cut down trees. There is a God. (He noted such revelations on the backs of envelopes.) Change the world. No one kills

Friday, August 23, 2019

The acquisition of knowledge is often a painful experience and through Essay

The acquisition of knowledge is often a painful experience and through suffering, one can achieve various degrees of wisdom. In - Essay Example † (1.1.51) instead of saying, â€Å"Which of you shall doth loves us most?† shows his first act of foolishness, giving more importance to showing off and displaying yourself in public rather than real love. On the other hand, Morrie Schwartz in Tuesdays with Morrie believes otherwise, saying, in page 127, â€Å"If you're trying to show off for people at the top, forget it. They will look down on you anyhow. And if you're trying to show off for people at the bottom, forget it. They will only envy you. Status will get you nowhere. Only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone." With this, it already clearly shows the opposing values and beliefs of the two main characters. While the two daughters cleverly flatter their father to acquire more land in King Lear, Cordelia, in contrast remains honest and refuses to participate in the test of public display of love. Out of rage, Lear disowns Cordelia, saying, â€Å"Here I disclaim all my paternal care/Pro pinquity and property of blood,/And as a stranger to my heart and me/Hold thee, from this, forever.† (1.1.113-116) On the contrary, in Tuesdays with Morrie, Morrie, who is a retired professor dying from Lou Gehrig’s disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), does not get carried away with his emotions and feelings. Even when he is in great pain, knowing he has a few more months to live, does not give in to the rage and great pain that he must be feeling, but instead, makes the best out of what he has left. In the 10th page of the book, he says, â€Å"Do I wither up and disappear, or do I make the best of my time left?† In King Lear, after the king’s sudden decisions about the division of the land and the banishment of Cordelia, Kent pleads with the king, telling him that he has gone mad in impulsively making those verdicts. Lear remains stubborn, and becomes angry again, saying, â€Å"Come not between the dragon and his wrath.† (1.1.128) and in line 166 shouts, â€Å"Out of my sight!†, banishing Kent. In Tuesdays with Morrie, however, Morrie, handles his emotions differently. On page 21, he explains, â€Å"There are some mornings when I cry and cry and mourn for myself. Some mornings, I’m so angry and bitter. But it doesn’t last too long. Then I get up and say, ‘I want to live . . .’† Later on, in King Lear, after the king banishes Cordelia and Kent, he, once again, becomes angry and through his impetuous anger, curses Goneril, the first daughter. Appealing to Regan, the second daughter, he is rejected by her. Through troubles and rejection made by his early hasty decisions, he finally gains wisdom and realizes the real characters of Goneril and Regan, and in vain, curses and cries out in grief, â€Å"I have full cause of weeping; but this heart/Shall break into a hundred thousand flaws,/Or ere I'll weep. O fool, I shall go mad!† (2.4.311-313) However, in Tuesdays with Morri e, although Morrie also gains more wisdom and understanding about life when he experienced pain and unhappiness in his past, this was not caused by his thoughtless decisions and giving into his emotions. When he learned about his fatal sickness, instead of screaming and crying out loud, instead on page 10, Albom writes, â€Å"Instead, he would make death his final project, the center point of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Great Baby Einstein Scam Essay Example for Free

The Great Baby Einstein Scam Essay The text â€Å"The Great Baby Einstein Scam† was written by Mira Jacob. This text is an argumentative issue giving details supporting why parents should not buy materials, such as videos, in hopes of their babies becoming geniuses. The sole purpose of this article is to inform the public of Disney’s inconspicuous way of apologizing for their attempt at misleading parents to believe that they had developed a â€Å"Baby Einstein† video for babies, in whom these videos hopefully would turn your baby into little geniuses, was to issue out refunds. This video, called â€Å"Baby Einstein,† have had a disappointing outcome, which caused an upset, especially with parents. This video used a known genius â€Å"Einstein† to promote its sales. The readers are parents with babies six months to two years, wanting their children to have an advantage of being very smart. These readers are those that knew Einstein was a genius, which gave the scammers leverage for the â€Å"Baby Einstein† video scam. The readers are those who wanted to believe that there is a magical, wondrous, no parental-guidance-required product that will turn their kids into Mensa members. Mira Jacob, is an editor at the online magazine Shine. She was intrigued by an article in the New York Times that said Disney was offering a refund to buyers of â€Å"Baby Einstein† videos that did not do as it promised. The author wants the parents not to depend on every â€Å"educational† toy out there. One constraint is a large number of parents with babies ages six months to two years were convinced to buy the â€Å"Baby Einstein† videos. Another constraint is parents believing that if their babies watched the video the babies would become geniuses. Another constraint is the combination of our lack of time, our paranoia over our kid’s performance, and our faith in technology that caused this generation of parents to accept the clever advertising of the video to be considered as truth. The Exigence of this article is parents with babies six months to two years bought the videos that help their child a chance at becoming a Genius? The only problem with all of this is the video didn’t work.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Self Education and Self Development

Self Education and Self Development INTRODUCTION This assignment will examine the definition of self analysis, self development, continuous self development, their importance and how it influences ones future career as a manager. Self analysis and continuous self development has been described in different contexts and topics by various authors and the best way to understand its complexity is by been aware of oneself. Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell (2007), describes self development as a personal development, with the person taking primary responsibility for their own learning and choosing the means to achieve this. In identifying developmental needs it is important for one to explore this six sources which are work itself, self reflection, feedback from others, individual psychometric and self diagnostic measures, organizational metric and lastly professional metrics (Megginson and Whitaker, 2003). Mumford (1993) believes that self development is an attempt to improve managerial effectiveness through a learning process. Burgoyne (1999) suggests that developmental aspect of ones career is about how you change, learn and develop the knowledge, abilities and value that you acquire through both formal and informal learning. Argyris (1985) maintains that the door to self development is locked from inside and no one can develop anyone but themselves. At the same time,, the importance of self development to managers will be identified. Firstly, self development helps manager to continue to grow up to the best that is within them (Warren, 2001). Secondly, self development helps managers to develop their skills, knowledge and insight by sharing experience with others (Mumford, 1993). By contrast, awareness is defined as a process that helps us to move from unconscious to conscious incompetence (Routledge and Carmicheal, 2007) which seems to play an important role in learning. Self analysis can be seen as a process that leads to self awareness. In managing an organisation, it is important for you to be able to manage yourself before you can manage others (Pedler and Boydell, 1999). It is believed that an individual that is self aware has a better understanding of his or herself. Goleman (1998) proposes that self analysis is a candid sense of our personal strength and limits, a clear vision of where we need to improve, and the ability to learn from experience. Furthermore, Telford (2006) claims that from the moment we are born and first reach out to other human beings; we begin the lifelong process of trying to make sense of ourselves, others and our relationships. Self awareness is a hallmark of effective managers (Caproni, 2005). He went further by saying successful managers know what they want, understand why they want it and have a plan of action for getting it. Additionally, Goleman (1998) states that self awareness is knowing ones internal state, preferences, resources and intuitions. However, the importance of self awareness to manager will be identified. Self awareness helps managers to regulate and control their emotions and have a better understanding of the emotions of others (Goleman, 1998). Peter (1987) suggests that self awareness helps manager to have an orientation toward change. It is important for managers to continuously develop their selves in order to have a competitive advantage over their competitors in the business world. A managers character is a reflection of his or herself which has a direct impact on the performance of an organisation. To achieve good organisational performance, a manager needs to be aware and learn about his or herself which is through self development (Burgoyne, 1999). The notion of continuous development is based on the Japanese concept of kaizen which means change for good or for better (Armstrong and Stephens, 2005).Continuous development is an approach to management and it is define as learning from real experiences at work (Wood, 1998). However, it is crucial to look at what management is in different contexts by different authors. According to Armstrong and Stephens (2005) management is concerned about deciding on what to do and then getting it done through people and use of effective resources Adair and Allen (2003) believes that management is about running the business in steady state condition, the day to day administration, organising structure, establishing systems, controlling especially by financial methods. In the same, Cole (2004) proposes that management is the ability of an organisation to effectively plan and bring the plan into limelight through the help of employees. Mintzberg (1989) in his own work went into details of the qualities a good manager must possess and this includes interpersonal communication, being well informed and being able to make decisions for an organisation. It is seems that people do not understand the difference between manager and a leader. Management involves coping with complexity, while leadership is about coping with changes (Kotter, 1990). Covey (1999) claims that management focus on doing things right while leadership focus on doing the right things CONCLUSION To be an effective manager in future, it is important to be knowledgeable and understand that business environment is constantly changing, you learn to change rather than become a victim of change (Pedlar, Burgoyne and Boydell, 1986). Clifford and Thorpe (2007) agrees that learning needs to be continuous because of the pace of change and an organisation that do not learn faster than the rate of change in the environment will eventually die. After reviewing books, articles and journals by different authors on self development, self awareness, it can be argued that self development, self awareness and continuous self development are essential to ones future career. Summary of critical incident (use detailed critical incidents from your module activities, residential weekend, past experiences etc) What happened, or what did I do? During the residential weekend, the critical incident was building of tower of Toki. My job was sorting of symbols on the cards and explaining the process to my team members. I also contributed in calculating the number of moves for the building of the tower of Toki by representing the moves with different denomination of coins and preparation of the proposal by extracting the cost per each blocks. Although we did not win the competition but I learned what is called team sprit from the way the team members believed and encouraged one another. How does this reflect the findings of your chosen self analysis toolkit? Behavioural traits of individual can fit into team roles (Belbin, 2004). Based on Belbin result my preferred roles in a team are that I am a completer finisher, resource investigator, team worker and implementer. Being a completer finisher means painstaking, conscientious, anxious, searches out errors and omissions and also to deliver on time. This attributes reflected in my person during the building of tower of Toki at the residential, where my team members ran out of ideas and decide to setback and abandon the task. I took up the challenge of making sure that the task was completed by spending more time in calculating the number of moves for building of the tower of Toki and also submitting our proposal at the right time. This brings me to the role of a resource investigator. A resource investigator is an extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative, explores opportunities and develops contacts. This also reflected in my attitude at the residential during the sorting of cards for the tower of Toki, some of my team members had communication problems as we are all from a different cultural background I had to explain the card process as many times as possible to my team members before they could understand. I was able to communicate effectively and I also develop contacts with all my team members and my various facilitators. Being a team worker means co-operative, mild, perceptive, and diplomatic, listens, build, averts friction and these attributes also reflected in my person during the residential weekend when one of my team members was giving her ideas, I gave her my audience and I showed interest in the message she is trying to pass to the team even when everybody seems not to understand what she was saying because of the communication barrier I was tact and skilful dealing with all my team members. The feedback that I got at the residential during different task from my various team members and my facilitators supported my stated preferred Belbin roles, based on this feedback it appears that Belbin report is quite reliable. What are the implications for future career or personal development According to my Belbin result, I realized that I am more of people and action oriented person which was supported by feedback from my team members and facilitators at the residential weekend. As a future manager being action and people oriented person appears to be good qualities because managers are concerned with dealing with people and making decisions (Armstrong, 2008).The implication of these attributes is that I will be able to build relationships, develop networks, manage people and create contact with my workers. Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell (1986) suggested a number of qualities or attributes of a successful manager which are social skills and abilities, creativity, self knowledge, proactively and so on. However, I need to work on my creativity to be a successful manager to be able to make effective and efficient decisions which I also got feedback on during the residential weekend. Self Analysis Toolkit _____JOHARI WINDOW________ Summary of critical incident (use detailed critical incidents from your module activities, residential weekend, past experiences etc) What happened, or what did I do? During my high school days, I never use to talk or share my ideas because I was shy, not confident about myself, like keeping to myself and I am an introvert. I was always avoiding any form of publicity. How does this reflect the findings of your chosen self analysis toolkit? One of the toolkits used in discovering myself is the Johari window and it is made up of four different windows which include: open, blind, hidden and unknown. I got a constructive feedback from my classmate and friends from my country using the adjective list. Based on the feedbacks from my classmate, friends from my country and personal reflection, I have been able to discover some attributes which I possessed. These attributes are friendly, helpful, kind, organized, introverted and trustworthy which is also confirmed by my adjective list result except from been calm which falls in the hidden window which is not known to people. However, the feedback through adjective list was able to list some other attributes which are not known to me and these attributes are able, adaptable, brave, caring, confident, dependable, intelligent, knowledgeable, loving, matured, modest, quit, religious, sensible and shy. From my blind window I never thought about myself as been dependable, brave, adaptable and confident but Johari window has helped me discover new things. It seems that studying here in united kingdom helped me to realize that I am capable of doing some things which I never thought I could do such as presentations, addressing group of people and asking questions in the classroom. From this result, I want to refer back to the attribute of dependable, it seems that Belbin result also supported this attribute because as an implementer and a completer finisher that I am, people can rely on me that a job will be done and deliver on time. Belbin identify me as a resource investigator and one of the attribute of a resource investigator is been an extrovert, although I sometimes switch my mood and it might be very difficult to know which of the attribute I actually posses but it would appear that Johari window is right based on my personal reflection and feedback from people. All other attributes of been a resource investigator such as communicative, developing contacts appears that it is right because Johari window also supported it by saying that am friendly. (see Appendix 2) What are the implications for future career or personal development Atwater and Yammarino (1992) describes self awareness as the ability of a person to reflect on the feedback from others and imbibe it into ones evaluation. Based on my result, being shy and an introvert is what I need to work on, this I intend achieving by assessing myself and get to realize those things that I am capable of doing just as I have discover from doing presentations that I am confident. As a future manager, I need to be more open and transparent with my employees to be able to get new ideas, opinions and feedback. It seems that where there is transparency and with my qualities of been friendly, helpful it is likely to achieve high organizational performance from employees. Self Analysis Toolkit: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Summary of critical incident (use detailed critical incidents from your module activities, residential weekend, past experiences etc) What happened, or what did I do? In my country, after undergraduate courses there is one year compulsory placement imposed by government for one to have knowledge about business environment and of course working experience. Where I did my one year placement back in my country, we have this supervisor who was so temperamental and nasty. How does this reflect the findings of your chosen self analysis toolkit? Goleman (1995) define emotional intelligence as the capability for recognizing our feelings and that of others, for motivating ourselves, managing emotions well in ourselves as well as others. Referring back to the aforementioned critical incidence, Everybody sees my supervisor as a very difficult person to deal with because of her attitude, at the initial stage her attitude towards me affect me and I was always thinking I cant cope with her and I was looking for a way to resign. Later on, I got to understand her kind of person knowing fully well that I can not change her. I had to ignore her totally making sure that her attitude towards me didnt affect my performance at work and was determined to gain experience and learn new things from other members of the organization since she has proving difficult. Bennis (1989) believes that if a leader is self aware, they demonstrate determination, farsightedness and strong convictions in their belief. The result of my emotional intelligence discovery test reveal that I have high scores in self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill based on my self perception which means I am aware of my emotions and their effect, I know my strengths and limits and so on. (See Appendix 3). The result of the emotional intelligence discovery test supported the critical incidence by revealing my high scores in self regulation which means that am capable of controlling and regulating my emotions, keeping disruptive emotions, impulses in check and ability to stay calm, clear and focused when things do not go as planned. Based on the result of my emotional intelligence and the role I played in the critical incidence it appears that the emotional intelligence test is good and reliable. What are the implications for future career or personal development People are regarded as the most important resources available to managers, it is through this resource that all other resources will be managed (Armstrong, 2008). The implication of the discovery test for my future career is that I will be able to recognize peoples feelings and manage relationships with them and this might lead to the success in the organization. However, I had a low score in self esteem which means that I dont have a strong sense of my own self worth and capabilities. To be a successful manager, I need to have a strong sense of my own self worth and capabilities by having confidence and believing in my own ideas. TASK THREE STRENGTHS Based on the three toolkits, I have been able to analyze both my strengths and weaknesses. With respect to my strength, my analysis reveals that my main strength is that I am more of people and action oriented person and my strengths are helpful, organized and trustworthy Moss (1992) agrees that these are some of the qualities a manager must posses. I am also adaptable, brave, caring, dependable, modest, intelligent, matured and confident which I never thought of myself as been confident but with the help of presentations and seminars I have been able to build my confidence to a certain level. Practicing continuous reflective review to aid my learning and development process (Megginson and Whitaker, 2007). In my future career, I need to possess self knowledge this has been the basis of this paper and relevant professional knowledge (Boydell, Burgoyne and Pedler, 2001). All this identified strengths needs to be worked on and developed properly. WEAKNESSES My weaknesses based on my personal reflection and constructive feedback from friends and class mate it reveals that I am shy, introverted, quite, and I sometimes dont express my own opinion about something which means I might not be transparent or open. I am not too creative and sometimes lack confidence in my own ideas and opinion which I am trying to overcome with time. Goldsmith (2006) claims that confidence is very important for organizational and ones usage. He identified several ways of building self confidence. In order to improve on my weaknesses I have decided to believe in myself not to compare my strength or weaknesses with others, take responsibilities for my decisions and engage in activities with my classmate. I will also try to motivate myself and also be optimistic (positive about something). Self development and self analysis is a good way of understanding oneself and the knowledge of it will be useful to individual who is involved in the process (Boydell, 1981). IMPLICATION FOR MY FUTURE CAREER DEVELOPMENT After analyzing my strength and weaknesses there is need to overcome my weakness to become strength and the attributes I need to work on are introverted, shy, quietness, transparency, not confident in my own ideas, views and opinion although feedback from people appears that I am confident but personally I sometimes dont believe in myself. As a future manager, identifying my strength and weaknesses seems to give me an insight of what I need to improve on and the attributes I also need to develop to be an ideal manager. As mentioned earlier on I am more of action and people oriented person which will help me in managing employees in an organization but the need to also be a cerebral oriented person is also important as a manager because a manager needs to be creative. I also want to be a better communicator because good communication across all level improves performance and aid organisational development (Darling, 2007).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies

Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies Abstract Cloud is the buzzword among computational technologies. It has brought a paradigm shift in a way computing is done and data is stored. This cost-effective means of technology has attracted a lot of people towards it and companies are embracing cloud to reduce their operational costs. As grows the popularity so will the challenges. One of the foremost challenges is Fault Tolerance. Fault Tolerance ensures the availability, reliability, and performance of the cloud applications. This paper is mainly focused on the Reactive fault tolerance strategies. Firstly, the paper outlines various faults, errors, and failures in the Cloud Computing scenario. Then, various prevalent reactive fault tolerance strategies are discussed. Lastly, a comparative analysis is done to better understand the application of the discussed strategies. I. Introduction Cloud-Computing is gaining traction due II. Faults, Errors, and Failures 2.1 Faults. Fault is the cause of the system or a component in the system to fail. Faults induce errors into system which hinders the ability of any system to perform as expected and give desired results. An erroneous system ultimately leads towards failure. Fault tolerance is the ability of the system to keep going in presence of one or more faults but with decaying performance. We must thoroughly classify and analyze various kinds of faults, errors, and failures to come up with sound Fault-Tolerance Strategies.   Faults in Cloud Computing environment can be classified as follows. Aging related fault As time passes, these faults show up into the system. These can be further categorized into two types namely Software based aging and Hardware based aging. Once the software starts execution, there is an accumulation of software bugs in the system. Furthermore, the decaying performance of the system hardware makes the system incapable to perform to its requirements. Omission fault This kind of faults occur when the resources in the system dry up and eventually the ongoing processes end up falling short of the resources in terms of storage capacity and computing power. Omission faults are mainly of two types i.e. Denial of Service, where the attacker tries to make the resources unavailable to its intended users by overwhelming the system with too many superfluous requests.   The other type is Disk Space Full, in which the amount of free space required by the applications is no longer available, this leads to node failure? Response faults. Response faults occur when the server gives an incorrect response to a query made by the user. This is further classified into 3 types. Value Faults-If faults at an application level or at lower level in the system are not managed properly, this can cause the individual application or the processor to emit an incorrect value. Byzantine faults- This fault attributes to the erratic behavior of the processor when it gets corrupted. The processor has not stopped working but the results are not predictable. State transition faults- When systems change their states, this kind of fault surfaces. Timing Faults. Synchronization is a key factor when it comes to execution of tasks in a distributed computing ecosystem. There should be time constraints for communication and execution of tasks by the processor. Faults which arise due to poor synchronization are called Timing faults. If the communication or the task execution begins early, then it is called Early fault. If the processor takes a lot of time to execute the tasks and this results in undesirable delay in the communication, then it is called Late fault. Interaction Faults. As the number of services grow in the system along with its complexity, the interaction between the services also increases. This may cause faults which occur due to Policy and Security incompatibilities. Various service providers have different policies and different security protocols. Life Cycle Faults. The service time of an application may expire when a user is trying to use that application. User cannot further access it unless the service becomes active again. This is called as Life Cycle fault or Service expiry fault. 2.2 Errors. Error is the difference between the expected output and the actual output of a system. A system is said to perform erroneously when it starts behaving in a manner that is against its specification and compliance. To study the nature of errors in a cloud computing scenario, a few of them have been listed below. Network Errors. Cloud is a network of remote servers. Hence, we may observe a lot of errors in the nodes and the links which connect these servers.   This kind of errors are called as Network Errors. Mainly network errors can be in the form of three types. Packet Corruption-   As a packet moves from one node to another and traverses across various links, there is a fair amount of chance that it might get corrupted due to the system noise. Packet corruption tweaks the original information and might sometimes go unnoticed.? Packet Loss- If a packet fails to reach its destination, this leads to Packet Loss. The main causes of packet failure are link congestion, device failure, (router/switch) and, faulty cabling. Network Congestion- When the traffic This issue is encountered due to low bandwidth. When the flow of traffic increases on a single path, this may also create network congestion. This issue is very important as it determines the Quality of Service(QoS). Software Errors. Software errors are broadly categorized as memory leaks and numerical exceptions. Memory Leaks- When there is a bug in the software wherein the application uses huge memory to perform the task but the memory, which is no longer needed, is not freed upon the completion of the task. Numerical Exception-A software does a lot of numerical computations which are required by the applications. The applications might sometimes generate issues due to some numerical conversions which raise exceptions. If these exceptions remain unhandled then errors persist in the system. Time Based Errors. These errors arise when applications do not complete their task execution in a time bounded manner. This can be subdivided into three types. Transient Errors- the probability of occurrence is very less. Intermittent Errors- The pattern of these errors is sporadic but observed many number of times. Permanent Errors- These occur more number of times with a deterministic pattern. 2.3 Failures. As said earlier, failures result due to errors. If a system does not achieve its intended objective, then its in a state of failure. Several things can go wrong in a system and yet the system may produce desired results. Until the system produces wrong output, there is no failure?4 To study the nature of failures, following is the list of failures. Node Failure. In distributed systems, such as cloud computing, we see that sometimes resources and nodes are dynamically added to the system. This brings along a lot of uncertainties and the chances of node failure increase. Reliability and availability are the major criteria for nodes to be adjudged as functioning properly. Node failure occurs if a node is not available at any time a node is not present in the system to perform tasks(unavailable) or produces errors while doing computations. Process Failure. Process failure occurs when a process is unable to place the messages into the communication channel and transmit it or a processs algorithm is unable to retrieve messages from the communication channel? Network Failure. Network failures are very serious issues with regards to cloud computing. There is no communication without a network. Network failures occur when there is a link failure, network device failures such as routers and switches, configuration changes in a network. Configuration change or a change in policy of a machine will cause problems to the applications using the resources of that machine and this problem is most likely reason for a network failure.? Host Failure. A host is a computer that communicates with other computers on the network. In the scope of Cloud Computing, hosts are servers/clients that send/receive data. Whenever a host fails to send the requested data due to crashes, host failure occurs. Application Failure. Cloud applications are the software codes that run on cloud. Whenever bugs develop in the codes, application fails to fulfil its intended objective. The errors caused due to this leads to Application Failure. # cloud endure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3. Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies. Fault Tolerance Strategies in Cloud Computing are of two types, namely, Proactive, and Reactive. Proactive Fault Tolerance Strategies are those techniques which help in anticipating faults and provides preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of faults.   Here, the faulty components in the system are identified and replaced with operational ones. Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies, are the techniques used to effectively troubleshoot a system upon occurrence of failure(s). Various reactive fault tolerance strategies are discussed below. 3.1 Checkpointing. In Checkpointing, the system state is saved and stored in the form of checkpoints. This taking is both preventive and reactive. Whenever a system fails, it rolls back to the most recent checkpoint. This is a popular fault tolerance technique and placing the checkpoints at appropriate intervals is very important. Full Checkpointing. Complete state of the application in saved and stored at regular intervals. The drawback of full checkpointing is that it needs a lot of time to save and requires huge chunk of storage-space to save the state. Incremental Checkpointing. This is an improvement over the full checkpointing. This method performs full checkpointing initially and thereafter only the modified pages of information from the previous checkpoint are stored. This is much faster and reliable than full checkpointing. Optimized Checkpoint/Restart. The crux of checkpointing lies in how we space our checkpoints. Good number of checkpoints ensure that the application is resilient to failure. However, this comes at the cost of time, space, and causes a lot of overhead. On the other hand, having less number of checkpoints makes our application vulnerable to faults thereby causing failure. It has been seen that cloud tasks are typically smaller than the grid jobs and hence more time sensitive to the checkpointing/restart cost.? Also, characterizing the failures in the cloud tasks using a failure probability distribution function will be inaccurate as the task lengths in cloud tasks depend on the user priority too.? This technique aims at bettering the performance of Checkpointing technique in threefold approach. Firstly, optimize the number of checkpoints for each task. Secondly, as the priority of the task may change during its execution, a dynamic mechanism must be designed to tune the optimal solution in the first step. Thirdly, find a proper tradeoff between local disks and shared disks to store the checkpoints.   The optimal number of checkpoints is calculated by evenly spreading the checkpoints during the execution of the task. The calculation is done without modelling the failures using a failure probability distribution function. A key observation that we make during the execution of cloud tasks is the tasks with higher priority have longer uninterrupted execution lengths in comparison with low-priority tasks. Hence the solution needs to be more adaptive considering the priority of the tasks. Mere equal spacing of the checkpoints will not do in this case. If the priority of the task remains unchanged the Mean Number of Failures(MNOF) remains the same. The position of the next checkpoint needs to be recalculated and its position needs to be changed if the priority factor that influences the MNOF changes during the execution of the task. Lastly, the problem of where to store the checkpoints is addresse d. The checkpointing costs for both local disks and shared disk is calculated and then based upon the costs an efficient choice is made. It is noticed that, as the memory size of the tasks increase, the checkpointing costs also increase. Also, when multiple checkpointing is done, in the local disks, there is no significant increase in the costs, but owing to congestion, there is a significant rise in checkpointing costs. Hence, a distributively-managed algorithm is designed to mitigate the bottleneck problem and lower the checkpointing costs. 3.2 Retry. Simplest of all the fault tolerance techniques. The task is restarted on the same resource upon occurrence of the problem. The underlying assumption behind this approach is that during the subsequent attempts, the problem will not show up.? 3.3 Task Resubmission. A job consists of several small tasks. When one of the tasks is failed, the entire job gets affected. In this technique, the failed task is resubmitted either to the same resource or a different one to finish the execution of the task. 3.4 Replication. Running the same task on several machines which are different locations. This is done to ensure that when a machine fails, the process of task execution is not halted as the other machine takes it up. Replication is further categorized as follows. Semi-active Replication. The input is provided to all the replica machines. The task execution simultaneously goes on in the primary replica as well as the backup replica. However, the primary replica only provides the output. When the primary replica goes down, the backup replica provides output.   This technique uses a lot of network resources as the task is running in simultaneously in all the replicas. VMware uses Semi-active replication Fault Tolerance Strategy. [4.] Semi-passive Replication. This technique has a flavor of checkpointing in addition to replication. The main replica performs the checkpointing operation over the state information. Replication is done by transferring this checkpoint information to all the backup replicas. The backup machines dont have to concurrently execute the task with the primary replica, but its duty is to save the latest checkpoint information. When the primary replica fails, it designates the backup replica to takeover. The checkpoint information is updated with some loss in the execution. This technique uses lesser network resources than the semi-active replication but there is a tradeoff as some of the execution. Also, in this case, whenever the backup fails, the latency is more as the time taken for recovery and reconfiguration when compared with semi-active replication. [ref 3] Passive Replication. The state information is stored in the form of checkpoints in a dedicated backup machine. When the backup fails, the Fault Tolerance Manager, commissions another machine to be the backup. The backup is updated by restoring the last saved checkpoint. The fault tolerance manager uses a priority based scheme while appointing new backups. 3.5 Job Migration. When a task fails in one of the machine, it can be transferred to another virtual machine. Sometimes, if a task in a job cannot be executed due computational and memory constraints, the task is given to another machine to execute. 3.6 Rescue Workflow. A cloud job consists of several small tasks. Upon failure of a task, this method continues the execution of the other tasks. The overall workflow is stopped only when the failure of the task impacts the entire job. [rescue workflow] 4. Comparative Summary of the Reactive Fault Tolerance Strategies. Checkpointing: This technique effectively detects Application Failure. This technique is used when the application size or the task size is too big. Moreover, checkpointing provides efficient resource utilization. Retry: If the problem persists beyond multiple tries, this method is time inefficient. This is used to detect Host failure and Network failure. Task Resubmission: As the job is tried on the same or different resource, this technique is both time consuming and has more resource utilization. This detects Node Failure and Application Failure. Replication: This technique detects Node Failure and Process Failure. As the task is run on various machines, we see more resource utilization here. Job Migration: This technique detects Node and Process failures. This method is time efficient as the task which cannot be executed in a machine is transferred to another. Rescue-Workflow: This method detects Node failure and Application failure. This is a time-inefficient technique.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Charley Skedaddle Essay -- American History

Charley Skedaddle   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Charley Skeddaddle is a story that takes place during the Civil War (1861-1865) in the North. The main character is Charley Stephen Quinn. He was a young boy growing up in New York City without parents. Charley’s older brother Johnny died at the Battle of Gettysburg. We learned about Johnny through Charley’s memories. He lives with his older sister Noreen, who recently became engaged to be married. Charley was involved in a street gang called the Bowery Boys.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Charley has had a rough life and has difficulty learning to accept his brother’s death. He wants to get revenge against the Confederate soldiers and this motivates him to join the Union army. He is inspired when he sees a military parade and a friend of his brother, or so he believes. That would be a perfect solution to his problems at home and a way to punish those responsible for his brother’s death. He had admired Johnny greatly and felt the only answer was to sneak into the army. Charley could not enlist because he was only 12 years old. He was determined to be a hero like his brother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since Charley was too young to be a soldier he became a drummer-boy for the army. He trained and worked hard to be a good one. He may have been physically ready for his first battle, but emotionally he was not. I don’t think he really knew what killing a person involved. All of his life he watched the people he cared about be taken away from him. First, it was his parents, ...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Storm: An Inner Reflection Essays -- Emotions Psychology Essays

The Storm: An Inner Reflection Memories are all we have sometimes, but what if memories bring out unwelcome feelings? In Romesh Gunesekera's short story "Ranvali," a young lady goes back to her father's old holiday bungalow and begins to discover new feelings toward her beloved Communist father. The story is set in an idyllic bungalow in Ranvali, by the coast of India. Theorists such as Roland Barthes would argue that setting in modern narratives "no longer need meaning: they simply are: that is their meaning." (qtd in Chatman 145). However, in "Ranvali," the storm that besieges the bungalow while the young lady is there clearly mimics her thoughts and gives the reader a greater sense of the inner turmoil that she must be going through. It can thus be shown that the storm is an essential part of the setting that Gunesekera uses to evoke certain feelings in the readers of "Ranvali." In the story, the storm mimics the narrator's inner turmoil at discovering new feelings about her father. But is the storm part of setting? Chatman makes a distinction between existents - characters and setting. For Chatman, "setting 'sets the character off'; it is the place and collection of objects 'against which' his actions and passions appropriately emerge" (Chatman 134). The storm is part of the description of the 'place' where the story unfolds. The memories of the narrator's father, which may be considered the 'actions and passions' within the story, emerge before and after the occurrence of the storm. The storm is thus part of the background to which the events in "Ranvali" occur. Chatman also gives three criteria for being a character - presence, being named and importance (Chatman 139). The storm in "Ranvali" is clearly not explicitly... ...der is given a definite analogy to how she might be feeling. Gunesekera's use of this narrative device as opposed to using the narrator to describe her emotions makes the reader sympathetic to the narrator's plight in an almost unconscious way. Although the storm is part of the setting, it subconsciously draws a connection to the narrator's inner thoughts. The reader thus can imagine that a storm rages within her mind, with thoughts about her father's idealism conflicting with her love for him. Without this narrative device of the storm, the story would have been much impoverished, as the final effect of "Ranvali" would have been much reduced. Works Cited Chatman, Seymour, "Existents" Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978. 131-145. Gunesekera, Romesh. "Ranvali." Monkfish Moon. London: Granta, 1992: 89-102.

Essay --

My Family Case Study will examine the ‘Nguyen’ family and their current struggle with family finances. I will present the family, their history, and their response to the challenge of dealing with the crisis related to the family finances. I will present the family situation when they were in Vietnam first. In Vietnam, they bought the house and they didn’t have to pay any tax or fee. They were considered as a middle class well-living family in Vietnam. They got their own business over there. Their income per month were enough for them for a good living life. Only the father worked and the mother stayed home and took care the kids. One day they received a letter from the United State Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) said that they got approved to go to America. They got stressful since they got the letter. At that time, they were unsure whether or not to go to the U.S.A or stay back in Vietnam. It was a difficult decision for them because if they went to the U.S.A they had to give up their business which they had built up since they got married. Time went by, they determined to leave everything behind and went to the U.S.A for their kids’ future because they believed that America has a bes t educational system in the world. Until they came to America three years ago, their life had a big changed. Mr.Nguyen was a 45 years old man. He is married to Mrs. Nguyen who was a 40 years old. They were married 16 years ago in Vietnam. They had two children. One named Peter age 5 who was in pre-school and the other one named Mike age 9 who was in intermediate school. One month after they came to the U.S.A, they found a job and got pay minimum wage around 8 dollars per hour. The family lived in an apartment which 2 bedroom. ... ...getting a bad day at work, and feel like he couldn’t make more money to support his family well enough. He sometimes wants to buy electronic things, food, candy, new clothes etc†¦ for his wife and his children but he cannot afford it so whenever the fight starting between him and her, he cannot control all the stress and anxious in his mind and fight back at her even though he doesn’t want to. Mrs. Nguyen wants to help her husband coping with all the stress he has, so she gets some guidelines from the family therapist. Mrs. Nguyen want Mr. Nguyen to spend time with his family on the weekend and not going for a part time job. They will spend their time with their children and planning to have a family vacation, doing activities together or having dinner together in order to maintain a good relationship and not letting financial be a stressful problem in their family.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Divergent Book Review

From the edge of apocalypse, humanity has reorganized itself into five factions, each of which preserve and live by a single value. People who believe society fell apart because of greed formed the faction of Abnegation (the Selfless), sworn off of practices considered self-indulgent and pledged to act selflessly. Those who believe the collapse was due to ignorance pledged themselves to the Erudite (the Intelligent), sworn to a never-ending path of complete knowledge acquisition. Those who feel that human duplicity wreaked havoc in the world took the banner of Candor (the Honest), pledging to always speak their minds and the truth.Those who feel that aggression was the root of society’s collapse became the members of Amity (the Peaceful), taking the mantle of peace at all costs. And finally, those who feel that the root of all their problems stemmed from cowardliness formed the tribe of the Dauntless (the Brave), the faction of the courageous and strong. Born into a Abnegation family, Beatrice (the main character) has lived her life trying to preserve the values of her parents. Wearing grey clothing, the required style of her faction, Beatrice wants to be as selfless as the rest of her family, but faction beliefs, do not come naturally to her.Torn between her love of her family and following her heart, Beatrice struggles in her Abnegation faction. Observing the chaos of the Dauntless children as they jump from running trains on the way to school, Beatrice feels conflicted. Society orders that each year, all sixteen-year-olds must take an aptitude test, which determines the faction they are most suited for. The test is followed by a â€Å"Choosing Ceremony†, where each person must decide which faction they would stay in for the rest of their lives, living under the guideline of â€Å"Faction Before Blood. † Beatrice's aptitude results are undecided.It is revealed to her, in secret, that she is one of a very rare branch of the population: a D ivergent. Her tests show that she does not fall into one of the five factions, but displays traits from three factions: Erudite, Abnegation, and Dauntless. Having been taught at an early age, by her father, of the ruthless ways of the Erudite faction, she immediately rules out that faction. When her time to choose arrives, she follows her heart and chooses to be selfish but brave, abandoning her family and choosing Dauntless. Initiation soon begins, leading to major changes for her, including renaming herself â€Å"Tris†.With only ten spots available in the faction and more than double that number of hopefuls, Tris get through a difficult initiation trial and discovers what she is truly made of, and what it means to be Divergent, including the dangers of the name. She confronts her fears and uncovers her own wants with the help of her instructor, Tobias, also called Four. She is also befriended by Christina, Will, and Al, her fellow faction transfers. What follows is a physic al and emotional trial for Tris as she manages her secret and finds the evils of one of the other factions.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Original writing – annual camping holiday with the scouts

It was the 3rd of August 2002 and we were going on the annual camping holiday with the scouts, after a whole year's planning and waiting excitedly hoping it would live up to the greatness of our last few camps. There was me, Oliver, Clutz, Pookie, Callem, David and Damien who was also known as Ginger Monkey. We named Damien Ginger Monkey after he had climbed a gigantic tree in the church yard without any struggle; the ginger bit came from the colour of his hair. We arrived at Waddecarr around 10am. Waddecarr is about 20 miles from Blackpool. On arrival first impressions were not good, the place was waterlogged and nothing could be seen for trees and a big stone lodge. Beyond the lodge were limestone paths' leading off from the car park and a river was flowing freely in the distance. The air was quite cold and slight dew hung to the grass. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and there wasn't a breeze. We left our tents and other belongings in the land rover and minibus and went to find our site. The site was a large one. The ground was all freshly cut grass and there was a small limestone path running by. At the back of the site was a row of trees in front of a small ditch in which a small stream lied. To the left of the site was a small wooden building with a small door which was open and to the right was more trees. The DB tent was planned to be placed next to the trees at the back, on the left we were to have the leaders' sleeping and eating tents and on the right our sleeping and eating tents. A DB tent is where we keep all the equipment and food for the week. The DB tent was the biggest, so we put this up first. It took 15 men to lift up the tent while a little scout went running round shoving each bottom pole into the ones being held by people. When the DB tent was up we stared at it for a while then split from the leaders to put up our own two tents and the leaders put up theirs. We had the tent with all the broken pegs and strings which fell down six times before we had it erected fully. The tents were done after four hours and we were very bored of looking at each other, which wasn't a pretty site, so we went looking for a bit of totty round the camp site. Totty is just a word we use for good looking females because it's easier to say. We found some totty but we had a problem because we were all too chicken to talk to them, I think it's a fear of rejection thing, so we sent the no fear zoo animal, Ginger Monkey in to talk to them. Ginger Monkey's a bit special, he'll talk to anyone, even himself or a tree. Anyway he did well so we rewarded him by petting him like we would pet a dog or a cat but some of the petting was too hard and he fell to the ground. Twist is quite over weight and he fell on Ginger Monkey while he was on the floor which must have hurt considering he size of Twist and the noise that Ginger Monkey made when Twist rolled over onto his arm. Ginger Monkey made a big scene and screamed like a little girl and started throwing a paddy like he was having a fit on the floor. We dragged Damien by his wrists and dragged him back to our site through mud and puddles because of the embarrassment this child had caused us. When we arrived back he was filthy and he smelled like a wet dog. We had tea in the cooking tent while Ginger Monkey ate his on the grass looking at the trees. After tea there was the task everybody hates†¦ washing up. This really did suck when you were washing pans, about 20 mess tins, plates, knifes and forks. Ginger Monkey was washing in one bowl and Callem was rinsing in another. I didn't trust Ginger Monkey at a job like washing up so I volunteered to help wash up to check if they were doing right. Ginger Monkey was complaining about his arm that Twist had rolled on and was refusing to do anymore washing up, so I grabbed the arm and stuck it in the water. Ginger Monkey let out a big cry and went running towards the path. What Ginger Monkey didn't know was me, Clutz and Twist had put a piece of rope around our site to stop kids running through and Ginger Monkey ran straight into the rope which was at his neck height. The rope stopped him running and took him to the floor. Ginger Monkey lay still on the floor for a while until someone ran over to see if he was alright. Me, Twist and Clutz were laughing our hearts out at this moment but stopped when he didn't move. Was he dead? We should be so lucky. He got up when everyone ran over and looked at us over his little gold glasses with evil eyes. If looks could kill, I wouldn't be here today writing this story. Nobody knew Ginger Monkey's arm was broken yet, so we carried on as normal, sitting around chatting and playing stupid games which weren't even fun but we did them anyways' before going to bed at around 11pm. That night Twist, Clutz, Pookie and I went on a little walk around the site while everyone was asleep before retiring to our sleeping tent and chatting some more. After a while everything was quiet because some old guy had told us to be quiet and Twist said he could feel something warm and wet on the bottom of his feet which made me and Clutz crack up with laughter but Twist looked worried. I took a look at Twist's feet and saw Ginger Monkey there licking his feet. Twist kicked Ginger Monkey hard to stop him licking his feet but Ginger Monkey bit his big toe. Oliver screamed and woke everyone up. We threw Ginger Monkey out of the tent in his sleeping bag into the sludge and pouring rain to sleep out there. Later that morning around 3am Twist needed the toilet so he stepped outside the tent forgetting all about Ginger Monkey and peed on his head. Ginger Monkey never moved and just opened his mouth, Twist by this time realised Ginger Monkey was there and started aiming at his mouth. This was day one of Waddecarr 2002 Camp. What did the rest of the week have in store for us? We had fun throughout the week with all the activities which led to Pookie accidentally nearly shooting himself with a rifle, Gary Ward nearly drowning in Blackpool swimming baths, pulling Pookie's shorts down in front of a few good looking girls, Twist rolling down the beach taking out an old lady, me and Clutz pulled two sexy ladies on the next site and some other scouts tied Twist to a fallen tree over the river. This was a really good scout camp after all. I can't wait for next year.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


Making it â€Å"What You Will† Shakespeare's Twelfth Night's subtitle, â€Å"What You Will†, entices the thought that you can make the play what you'd like it to be. The audience isn't the only group that gets to change the shape of the play however. Through disguises and false identities, the characters in the play are able to alter the play in an attempt to fulfill their needs. Viola does this successfully by using her disguise as a servant to get close and personal with Orsino, who she would not have been close to normally. Sir Andrews guise on the other hand, doesn't work as well as he'd hoped.His attempts to cloak his true Joking, fun-loving personality with a mask of machismo. His disguise ends up turning Olivia off, instead of on. For both these characters, their attempts to change who they are, and make the play what they will, work to reconstruct the plot of the play. Viola's pursuit at catching Orsino's eye was easily done once her disguise abled her to get cl ose to him. Without her disguise, she would be viewed as Just another woman trying to compete for Orsino's love, which he proclaims is only for Olivia. In act 2, cene ‘v, Orsino opens up to Cesario, his trusted confidant.He talks to Cesario and tells him all about how he views love. He explains to Cesario that, â€Å"For, boy, however we do praise ourselves, Our fancies are more giddy and unfirm, More longing, wavering, sooner lost and worn, Than women's are,† (II, iv 30-34). This helps Viola, as she's able to understand that men, especially Orsino, have wavering affections towards women, so she should not worry about his love for Olivia. Without her ability to get Orsino to confide in her, she wouldn't really know what to do or how to act owards him.Gaining this information, she's able to act on it in a way that completely alters the play. Sir Andrew tries instead to b act how he thinks Olivia would like him to. He expects that she, like all other women, is attracted t o a macho, strong man. However, he couldn't be more wrong. He tries to seduce her this way for the majority of the play until he eventually learns that has been the thing that has scared her away from him the whole time. It isn't until he challenges Viola to a duel that he realizes he's sunk to deep and his chances with Olivia are over.Had Sir Andrew actually gone along with whom he was, he may have had a better chance with Olivia. He couldVe negated the whole love triangle by taking Olivia out of the game, but he altered the plot in a way which he couldn't do that. Both of the characters try to disguise themselves to improve their chances with their lovers. While it works for Viola, who finds out a lot about Orsino, it doesn't work for Sir Andrew who only scares Olivia away. Whether they were successful or not, the two of them altered the plot of the play by trying to make it â€Å"What You Will†. Disguises By therealestging

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Marketing Creates Customer Needs Essay

Marketing creates customer needs. The following paper will elucidate how consumers are made not born. Marketing entices customers to try new products or do new things that they may never have thought of before. Commercialism is everywhere you turn. From the glossy ads, pop ups on their computer screen, billboards, emails, tweets, radio, television, telemarketers, etc. You can’t get away from advertising wherever you go. The marketers would not be continuing if it was not so successful in getting people to buy more of what they are selling. The following paragraphs will give examples of successful marketing advertisement campaigns and how they were effective. According to Forbes, for advertising to be effective it needs to be: memorable, connect with the consumer by delivering a person meaningful message that tells them how their product would make their life a better place, stand for values beyond the product itself, and be intricately tied to the brand not to be confused with the competitor. (Greewald, 2014). The article gives several examples of successful ad campaigns. First, the Red Bull gives you wings campaign. The ads are inspirational telling consumers if you use our product you will do everything better from studying to doing your job better. It empowers people and gets them to relate to the product. Next, the Beats Dr. Dre advertising campaign. The advertisements tell the consumer that by wearing these headphones you will be able to overcome your critics and be empowered to believe in yourself. They depict athlete Kevin Garnett blocking out his critics and allowing him to focus on positive thoughts and the music he loves. Both advertisements connect with the consumer on a psychological level. They focus on you relating to our needs to do better and finding greatness in ourselves. It is what most of us  tell ourselves every day- don’t listen to the people that are our critics and believe in yourself. Find greatness and believe in yourself sounds more like a motivational s peaker however it works to connect the consumer to the product. According to Forbes both campaigns met all the aspects to be effective. Both these products are not necessary for humans to survive. Both products are considered a want not a need. The advertisers have convinced students far and wide to drink Red Bull because it will help you concentrate more and be successful. We all survived before without these products. They have successfully changed the mindset of consumers who now believe the opposite that they now can’t survive without them. One of the most successful marketing campaigns has been Apples’ I Phones. Hundreds of people stand in line when their newest product becomes available. Everywhere you look people have an I Phone. It is a sign of stature to have the state-of-the- art technology which includes the latest and greatest that Apple has to offer. It has become an item people can’t live without. I lost my I phone for 24 hours and thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. All my personal information, contacts, bank card information is all in the one little phone. I can’t remember any of my important phone numbers anymore because I don’t need to – they are all in the phone. They have made it irreplaceable in our day to day living. This is the ultimate in marketing and sales of a product. I lived 36 years without ever having a cellular phone and survived just fine. Now I see 8 year olds with I phones calling their friends and tweeting! Marketing provides a value to business in that it helps showcase their products and engage consumers in purchasing them. The value to society is that some of these products may make our lives easier and we can benefit from them. In conclusion, I believe that marketing creates a need we didn’t know existed until they showed us their fabulous products. They connect with us, make us believe that what they are offering will improve our lives and are necessary for our existence. I agree that marketers encourage consumers to spend money they do not have on non-essential items. So many Americans have credit card debt. The average American household has nearly $7000 of credit card debt as of December 2013. (Credit Card Debt Statistics, 2013). We continue to spend money on things we don’t really need with money we don’t have. It is a vicious cycle for many Americans that leave them broke and in some instances homeless. References: Credit Card Debt Statistics. (2013). Credit Card Debt Statistics. Greewald, M. (2014, July 10). Secrets of 7 of the Most Effective Ad Campaigns.